Privacy Policy – GDPR
We wish to inform you that the “European regulation2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to theprocessing of personal data and on the free movement ofsuch data” (hereafter “GDPR”) provides for the protection ofpersons and other subjects regarding the processing ofpersonal data.
Screws Racing, as “owner” of the treatment, according to art.13 of GDPR, therefore, provides the following information:
DATA CATEGORIES: Racing process the following types ofpersonal data:
Data collected automatically:
the computer systems at the base of this website shallcollect, during their normal operation, some data (which areimplicit in the communication protocols of the Internet)potentially associated to identifiable users.
Among the data collected include IP addresses of devicesused by users who connect to the site, URI (UniformResource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested,the time of request, the method used to submit the requestto the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, thenumerical code indicating the status of the response givenby the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parametersregarding the operating system, browser and the computingenvironment used by the user.
This data is processed for the time strictly necessary, withthe sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on siteusage and to check its proper functioning. Providing suchdata is required as it is directly connected to the webbrowsing experience.
Data provided voluntarily by the user.
This data can be given through the voluntary and explicit e-mail messages to the addresses indicated in the pages of thiswebsite. These operations do not involve consent prompt.
On the contrary, specific summary information will bereported or displayed on Web pages dedicated to particularservices on request (form). The user must opt-in to the useof the data reported in these forms in order to submit yourrequest, which will entail the subsequent acquisition of thesender’s address and data needed to respond tocommunications sent and/or provide the requested service.
This site uses cookies. The data collected through cookiescan be used to access parts of the site or for statisticalpurposes or to make the browsing experience more pleasantand more efficient in the future. More information isavailable a special cookie policy.
SOURCE of PERSONAL DATA: the personal data of whichScrews Racing will be holding is collected directly by theperson concerned at the time of compilation of the form ofcontacts/send mail.
D.P.O. CONTACT INFO: according to art. 37, first paragraph,of GDPR, screws Racing is not obliged to establish a D.P.O.
Controller: The controller is Screws Racing – Via Farniole 3052045 Foiano della Chiana (Ar) Italy
PURPOSE of DATA PROCESSING and legal basis: theprocessing of your data, has as its legal basis the consentand is processed for the following purposes:
Improve the web browsing experience;
send educational, informative and commercialcommunications, in response to the specific requests madeby email/form;
proceed with the newsletter subscription (in rolls ‘ explicitconsent);
Evaluate user behavior and modify the proposition of supplyof content according to their behavior (cookie).
RECIPIENTS of the DATA: to the extent relevant to theprocessing purposes indicated, your data may be disclosedto partners, consulting firms, private companies, nominatedas responsible by the data controller. Your data will not bedisclosed in any way. Managers and trustees in Office areindicated in the Privacy policy document, updated on aregular basis.
Transfer of data abroad: collected data will not betransferred abroad.
Retention period: the data collected will be retained for aperiod of time not exceeding the purposes for which theyare processed (principle of limitation of conservation “,article 5, GDPR) or in accordance with the deadlines laiddown by the rules of law. The check on the obsolescence ofdata stored in relation to the purposes for which it wascollected is carried out periodically.
Rights of the interested party: the party has the right torequest the holder access to your data, rectification orcancellation, limitation of treatment or the possibility toobject to the processing, request the data portability, towithdraw consent to treatment by claiming these and otherrights provided for by GDPR through simple notification tothe holder. The data subject may lodge a complaint to asupervisory authority.
DATA PROVISION is OBLIGATORY or not: we inform you thatyour data underwriting is optional and some fields for others(marked with an asterisk) mandatory and failure to providethe required data does not allow form submission.
MANDATORY consent: consent to the treatment given by aspecial mark is optional, but essential when you submit theform.
METHODS of DATA PROCESSING: personal data supplied byyou will be processed in compliance with theaforementioned law operations and the obligations ofconfidentiality which is inspired by the activities of theowner. The data will be stored electronically and on paper ison any other kind of support, subject to appropriatetechnical and organisational security provided by GDPR.